Favourite 5 Spots

A few trade secrets!

1. Union Island, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Caribbean

My number one spot in the world... so far. This breath-taking & picturesque island with 18 knots of consistent warm Caribbean air blowing cleanly in from the Atlantic over small reefs creating almost invisible flat water lagoons takes some beating!

Arriving on this Island after flying over Tobago Cays you're mesmerised before even touching down. The island is rustic, proper Caribbean, full of the friendliest locals along with a few sailing boats in the bay and not much else bar plentiful ocean, green mangroves and wilderness to explore.

The main kite spots are outside the JT Pro Centre in Clifton harbour. A flat water paradise with the added bonus of Happy Island where you can kite for a quick refreshment.

Frigate is further south west from Clifton, most travel by small boat for a session although it is possible, but tough, to downwind kite there and beat back up. Another flat spot paradise for freestyle and those picture perfect shots!

A third spot and arguably the most stunning is Mayreau, Carnash Bay. When you think of picturesque Caribbean kiting you probably envision white sand, turquoise water and a few palm trees in the background. Well here is exactly where you'll find that. A thin beach splitting two spots for kiting, to the east slightly more open with waves and darker blue waters. Then to the West, protected by the bright white beach is the most perfect lagoon for flat water freestyle. Hence why this paradise is our number 1!

2. Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town Sunset

The Awesomeness of Cape Town can never be overlooked. Home to the King of the Air and a location where the limits of kitesurfing are constantly being pushed.

The main kiting destination is along Blouberg beach, with over 8km of sandy beach to choose where you wish to kite and with awesome views of Table Top mountain across the bay. This is a must visit for any kiter when those strong South easterlies blow during the summer time and you start to see the fabled table cloth cloud formation creeping over Table Top Mountain. Further North is Langebaan another incredible spot with a beautiful flat water lagoon as well as open ocean options an enough variety to suit all levels of experience. Finally just south of Cape Town you have the Misty Cliffs spot with wild open ocean swells for some proper big wave kite surfing for those seeking some serious adrenaline off the wild Cape peninsula.

Although the conditions can be challenging, with strong winds & sometimes choppy seas, this is exactly what brings some of the worlds best kiters to this spot year in year out. Launching themselves off the swell lines marching in from the South Atlantic and looping their kite through a strong 40 knot breeze is why this place is so famous for big air kiters and routinely sees some of the biggest airs to have been completed.

The city of Cape Town itself is another great reason to visit here. A fun & energetic city, full of history, great hikes and with an epic atmosphere to go with it you're sure to have an incredible time and to meet lifelong friends.

3. Jericoacoara, Brazil

Jericoacoara Beach, Brazil

North Brazil, all of Brazil, what an amazing part of the world. I could have easily picked from a number of towns on the North Coast of Brazil to be one of my top spots but ended up choosing Jericoacoara, Jeri for short. My advice would be to pick up a car from Fortaleza airport and road trip the lot!

Strong winds, rolling white sand dunes with amazing flat water lagoons dotted along the coast is the reason this place makes our top 5.

Praia Jeri is the easiest spot to kite if you are visiting Jericoacoara. With the wind consistently blowing from the East and up towards 30 knots, with the wind at your back this location offers you a lovely flat water lagoon to your left, or alternatively the ocean and its waves to the right, divided by a thin spit of sand. Some riders within seconds hop out the lagoon, scoot across the sand and are riding a wave before you know it.

Alternatively all spots around this area offer fantastic down wind adventures, some 10s of kilometres, some multiple nights, whatever takes your fancy. A great way to explore the coastline and stop for a snack at a local fisherman's hut.

A third option similar to that on Praia Jeri are the numerous flat water lagoons dotted all around, often with picturesque hammocks resting in the water, its a great place to visit for the day, spend some time kiting or recharge your batteries with some R&R.

With streets made of sand and never needing to wear a pair of shoes throughout your entire stay, this is a top spot on our list, coupled with the amazing culture of the Brazilian people and the delicious post session Caipirinhas you can't go wrong.

4. Tarifa, Spain

Tarifa kitesurf

A small Spanish fishing village right on the southern tip of Spain, dividing the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, looking out across the Straits of Gibraltar to the North Coast of Morocco.

Tarifa for me personally may not be about the quality of Kitesurfing, all be it still excellent. It is more the community who live, eat and breathe kitesurfing as well as the Spanish lifestyle.

There are an array of kitesurfing spots for different levels depending on what direction the wind is.

The Levante - Blowing from East to West through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Atlantic. When this is strong be sure to check out Balneario for a sundowner. Here you will see many of the best kiter in the world mega looping, now even double mega looping going to insane heights and driving the sport forward.

When this is strong the beaches around Tarifa can often be too powerful due to the venturi effect to kite. Therefore you may have to travel east to lighter winds. Playa de Getares or Palmones are the go to locations during a strong Levante. The other alternative is to head further north, a short trip to Playa de Valdevaqueros or slightly further to Los Canos de Meca.

Poniente - a nice on shore breeze brings Playa de Los Lances into its element, a huge beach with plenty of space for you to kite and play around in some Atlantic waves.

After kiting at any of these locations there is always plenty of opportunity for sundowners in one of the many beach bars and a great buzz around the town, with lots of salty red eyed kite surfers sharing stories of their days adventures along with some delicious tapas.

5. Canary Islands

Fuerteventura kitesurf

Whether it be Fuerteventura or Tenerife, these islands are a great destination to improve on the basics or test yourself in some wavy conditions.

As a few of the destinations above are perhaps for slightly more advanced riders, we wanted to throw this great location in as an all rounders spot. In the heart of the Atlantic, these islands were the stepping off point for Columbus to head out to discover the Americas and those same Easterly trade winds provide consistently good quality here kiting here whilst the frequent North Atlantic storms can send down some great waves for more experienced riders.

Fuerteventura - offers two great main locations. First being the North East coast, Grandes Playas Corralejo, often nice onshore safe and steady winds. Or alternatively further south, Playa Esmerelda offers great cross shore winds and nice waves.

Tenerife - similar to Fuerteventura, great consistent winds. Playa del Medano is the place to go here.

Certainly not the most breath-taking location you could kite, but with direct flights from most major airports in Europe and not too far travel and with consistent warm winds, this is not somewhere to avoid.